NITRO BULLET - Morning Pick Me Up Recipe

If you’re the type of person who needs a little extra pep in their step in the morning, but wants to make it healthy, you’ve come to the right place.

 Below we’ve got a recipe for your morning smoothie that will not only give you a hit of organic coffee, but also includes MCT oil to support weight loss, burn fat, boost brain power and curb cravings.

MCT oil is one of the most versatile supplements you can add to your diet and, paired with Black Nitro cold brew coffee, makes for the perfect start to your day.

Blended together, Black Nitro and MCT oil create a creamy, delicious drink you’re going to absolutely love. Happy blending.


Equipment needed:

1 x Blender

2 x measuring spoons

250ml to 300ml glass



1 x can of Black Nitro cold brew coffee

1 x tablespoon of a good quality MCT

1 x scoop of a good sourced collagen powder



Shake 1 can of Black Nitro, pour into the blender
Add 1 tablespoon of MCT, if it’s your first time having MCT oil start with ½ a tablespoon, this can be a shock to the system and you may get disaster pants

Add 1 scoop of your favourite collagen powder (this is optional, it’s great with or without it)
Blend for 10 to 20 seconds and serve in a tall glass over ice

It’s the perfect start to your day, to kickstart a workout and it will also help you out with any cravings while intermittent fasting.


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